The Needs
HIV has been the leading cause of death in Namibia for a decade, leaving many children orphaned and vulnerable, particularly the children of the San (Bushman) of Eastern Namibia. These children are the most impoverished and underserved in the entire country.
A study made in Drimiopsis in 2013 identified 14 double-parent orphans and 71 single-parent orphans. There are many orphans and vulnerable children undocumented, with no parent or guardian present in their lives to provide the information required for documentation. Since then, the number of neglected children has continued to grow in tandem with population increase, widespread poverty, unemployment and hopelessness. On May 22, 2024, the government of Namibia declared a State of Emergency following the worst drought the country has experienced in 100 years. Drought and climate change play a significant role in food insecurity.
The children need:
our Vision
To assist the San community in helping orphaned and vulnerable children by advocating for their rights, meeting their needs, and building a sanctuary.
how Children's Sanctuary Namibia Society (CSNS) began
In 2013, board members of CSNS became acquainted with Helge Mercker of Namibia and the Soup Kitchen she offered through her registered charity, Children’s Sanctuary Namibia (CSN). In 2016, the Namibian government donated 4.5 hectares of land to CSN to build a Sanctuary for the orphaned and vulnerable children of Drimiopsis. The CSN Board’s starting vision was to create a residential childcare facility for orphaned children to be their home until adulthood.
Children’s Sanctuary Namibia Society of Canada (CSNS) was established in 2017 and became a registered Canadian charity in 2018. Our mission is to carry out projects benefiting the orphaned and vulnerable children of Drimiopsis and to work with Children’s Sanctuary Namibia (CSN) as our agent in actualizing these projects. To learn more about the development of the Sanctuary and CSN/CSNS projects, visit the “News” section of the website. For more information about our sister organization in Namibia, go to
Our Board
CSNS & CSN board members in Namibia. Left to right are Helge Mercker, Terry Adler, Chief Ita Kambases and Theresa Matengu. Terry Adler saw the great need during her trip to Drimiopsis in 2017. Upon her return, Terry established CSNS, a sister charity in Canada.
2024 Directors:
Betty Owen - President
Helge Mercker - Board Member, CSNS Agent
Terry Adler - Vice President
Judy Dunbar - Treasurer
Yvonne de Troye - Secretary
2023 CSNS Board members from left to right: Tyler Cresswell, Yvonne de Troye, Diane Mawson, Judy Dunbar, Betty Owen, and Terry Adler. Absent: Helge Mercker, Agent in Namibia.
In August 2019, CSNS Board Members Diane Mawson, Betty Owen and Judy Dunbar spent 10 days in Drimiopsis under the guidance of CSN Board Member/CSNS Agent Helge Mercker. They are pictured here (back row) with Chief Ita (sitting front left) and 7 dedicated volunteers who prepare and serve meals to 75-180 orphaned and vulnerable children 3 times per week. Visit the “Projects” section to learn more.