From left: Betty Owen, Judy Dunbar, Helge Mercker, Diane Mawson, Terry Adler
On behalf of the Kindergarten class and their Grade 7 Buddies at Canyon Heights Elementary School I would like to thank Helge (from CSN) for her inspiring and informational slide presentation on Oct. 18, 2018. The slides she showed gave us a close look at the San people and culture that we couldn’t have gained in any other way. With Helge’s prompting the students realized that the profit from the sale of one popsicle, $1.00 CAD, feeds ten Kindergarten students two meals a day in Drimiposis.
We were pleased to present a cheque for six hundred dollars to the CSNS members present, Terry, Judy, Betty and Helge. The money was raised by selling Fruit popsicles in September. Our students are inspired to share the information about Drimiopsis with the rest of the school and to continue their fundraising efforts for CSNS.
Diane Mawson,
Kindergarten Teacher,
Canyon Heights Elementary School,
North Vancouver, BC
Children at Canyon Heights Presentation