Our sister organization, Children’s Sanctuary Namibia (CSN) has prepared for the virus and is continuing to feed the children who rely on the Sanctuary and Soup Kitchen. Information about the virus has been very limited in villages such as Drimiopsis. CSN has been in contact with their local politicians and boards of health to encourage and promote the communication of this vital information to people living in Drimiopsis and similar villages in the country.
CSN is working to ensure the orphans are as well looked after as possible in these challenging circumstances. They have procured extra vitamins for the children and have stockpiled food in preparation for the closure of borders and restriction of movement of goods and supplies. The Board of CSN and the volunteers who work at the Sanctuary have had instruction in proper hand washing and sanitizing techniques and are wearing gloves. Measures to put physical distancing in place have been developed, protecting the children from congregating in large groups. Children’s Sanctuary Namibia (CSN) has been quick to adopt “best practices” to maintain the well being of everyone.
CSN fed 106 children at the Soup Kitchen held earlier this week. The closure of all public schools and their associated food program has placed a greater strain on Soup Kitchen volunteers. We are so grateful for the work and dedication of the volunteers and the Board members of CSN and pray for the health of all in Drimiopsis.
Chief Ita Kambases displaying a sample of the food items purchased just days before South Africa closed its border. The board is pleased to have a good stock of food, soap and cleaning materials on hand as much of Namibia’s food supply comes from South Africa.
In preparation for the distribution of vitamins to the children, CSN Board members Theresa Matengu and Chief Ita Kambases sanitize their surroundings thoroughly and wear plastic smocks and gloves.
To help increase the children’s health and immunity, multi-vitamins were purchased. In addition, CSN received a donation of Vitamin B complex (5,000 tablets) for the children at CSN.
The children practice physical distancing as they wait in line for their vitamin supplements.
A young child receives supplements from a volunteer.
One of the many hand washing stations on the Sanctuary Land. Volunteers continually refill the buckets with water. The Mother House is shown in the background.
The soup kitchen volunteers also practice personal hygiene and physical distancing.
Frequent hand washing is encouraged and especially prior to receiving a meal.
A young child being served by a soup kitchen volunteer.
A nutritious meal of rice and lentils made by the volunteers.