Dear Friends and Donors of Children’s Sanctuary Namibia Society,
We are happy to share with you an update on current progress and challenges in Drimiopsis Namibia, the community we help in partnership with Children’s Sanctuary Namibia. More than ever, our role in assisting this community to care for their most vulnerable children is life-altering. We are a trusted ally working with them to provide for these little ones, as well as to contribute resources that can raise the quality of life for everyone in the community over time. Please read how this is happening through the support of many of you! Thank you!!!
Development Continues on the Sanctuary Land…..
With the goal of future self-sustainability in mind, development of the indigenous and vegetable gardens on the Sanctuary land remains a top priority for CSN and CSNS. Gardener/Handyman Joel Zuma, and his assistants, Johannes and David, devoted countless hours planting and tending to this year’s crops of corn, melons, onions, cabbage, garlic, cassava, beetroot, sweet potatoes, spinach, peppers, carrots and tomatoes. While this year’s harvest was considerably larger than last year’s, the control of pests, such as rats and locusts, and nourishment of the soil pose ongoing challenges. Future plans for the garden include planting an orchard, (e.g. citrus trees, figs, olives) and installing industrial greenhouses or tunnels to grow tomatoes and a wide variety of vegetables. The goal is to sell excess nutritional produce from self-sustaining gardens to the Drimiopsis community. The garden is an ongoing CSNS project requiring much labor.
One of Zuma’s children in the corn patch.
Melons growing in the Sanctuary garden formed part of the summer crop. They proved to be a nutritional food source more resistant to the threat of locusts and other insects.
Zuma attends to a portion of the recently planted “Winter” garden.
David and Zuma attend to the corn patch (summer garden).
CSNS recently financed the construction of fencing to protect the water towers.
Upgrades to Staff Homes….
CSNS funded the recent repair and upgrading of the homes of the three full time workers, Gardener/Handyman Joel Zuma, Security Guard/Handyman David Arikaner and Gardening Assistant, Johannes Kafuru. CSNS continues to provide the annual salaries for these three hard-working men who live on the Sanctuary land with their families.
Pictured above is the extension built to Zuma’s home, who lives with his wife and four children close to the water towers.
Above is the home built adjacent to the garden shed for 19-year-old Johannes, gardening assistant.
Update on the Mother House….
CSN in cooperation with Namibian Child Welfare anticipates 18 orphans (nine boys, nine girls) will be moved permanently into the Mother House as soon as electricity is available to the site, two house mothers are trained, and the house is fully equipped. We are almost there!!! The kitchen is now completed - floor tiles were installed, ceilings painted, countertops and appliances are in place. A Namibian donor provided the new clothes washing machine now installed in the kitchen. All the furniture needed to equip the house (e.g., bunkbeds, bedroom cupboards, dining tables, chairs, etc.) has been ordered.
CSN is working with a contractor from Gobabis to install solar panels to complete the electrical needs for the Mother House and to power the pump used for the water tanks. Viktoria and Katrina, the two soup kitchen volunteers who have been hired to care for the children, have recently completed their house mother training at an orphanage in Omaruru. They returned inspired and committed and eagerly await the opportunity to care for the children! CSNS provided financial support for these projects.
The recently completed kitchen in the Mother House.
Update on the Soup Kitchen….
In April, the soup kitchen was relocated to another place on the Sanctuary land in an area between the fence and David’s home. This change was made in preparation for 18 children moving into the Mother House.
Due to a strong second wave of Covid 19 throughout Namibia and recent cases of Covid in Drimiopsis, the soup kitchen was temporarily closed. During the weeks of closure, CSN board members worked hard to try to ensure deliveries of food to those in the community who could distribute it. The soup kitchen has now reopened and protective measures continue to be in place. Over 75 orphans and vulnerable children are fed a meal 3 times per week under the capable direction of Viktoria, Katrina and Chief Ita.
Children enjoying a soup kitchen meal.
A Note About Fundraising….
Covid 19 restrictions have impacted CSNS fundraising efforts. With the exception of the Spring bulb and plant sale fundraisers held in Gibsons, BC, fundraising activities have moved online. We are grateful to Board member Yvonne de Troye and to Kris Bowerman for organizing the successful online jazz concert featuring the Kris Jay Trio in honour of Yvonne’s 65th birthday.
Over 500 perennial plants of all shapes and sizes were available for purchase this year. A big “thank you” to Al Fike, Heather Gordon, Judy Dunbar and Betty Owen for their contribution of plants.
The Kris Jay Trio performing an on-line concert in honour of Board Member Yvonne de Troye’s 65th birthday.
We are honoured to be a part of this continuing process of community development in Drimiopsis, Namibia. We thank you for your financial and prayerful support.
Helge Mercker, Terry Adler, Diane Mawson, Betty Owen, Judy Dunbar and Yvonne de Troye, CSNS Board