We are delighted to share some pictures Jeff Mahaira took of his family’s trip to Children’s Sanctuary Namibia and the Sanveld Kindergarten in 2023. Jeff and Lisa Mahaira learned about CSN through their sons, Kai and Kiyoshi, who attend Canyon Heights Elementary School in North Vancouver, BC. Canyon Heights raises funds for CSNS through student popsicle sales. Proceeds from the popsicle sales help support CSN’s Kindergarten and soup kitchen food programs.
The family received a warm welcome from Belinda Tsuses and Chief Ita, who were excited to give the Mahairas a tour of the Mother House and Sanctuary grounds. While the children were at school during their visit, they met the youngest residents of the Mother House when they visited their classroom at the Sanveld Kindergarten.
Thank you, Jeff, for these wonderful pictures!
Here is the Mother House - A safe, loving home for seventeen children, two housemothers and a manager.
The Mahairas meet CSN’s manager, Belinda Tsuses (front centre), Grandmother chief Ita, (holding the soccer ball), house mother Katrina (front right), house mother Victoria (back, right), and CSN founding board members, Theresa Matengu, and Lazarus.
The Kitchen in the Mother House.
The Dining hall in the Mother House is where the children eat meals and work on homework. We are grateful to the Mercker family for their donations of furniture.
A tour of the boy’s dormitory.
The girl’s dormitory.
Chief Ita shows Lisa Mahaira a sample of the walking sticks she makes from a Bessie tree. The Bessie tree also bears fruit which can be eaten. The tree’s bark is boiled and used as a medicine for diarrhea and stomach aches.
A side view of the ground in front of the Mother House.
Johannes, the gardening assistant, lives in this modest home; a tool shed is attached.
The Sanctuary Garden’s corn patch.
Another view of the gardens. A security fence has been erected around the sanctuary grounds.
A partial view of the Sanctuary garden/grounds.
A generator pumps water from the borehole (well) into the water tanks.
The Maiharas take a short drive to visit the Sanveld Kindergarten, where the Mother Houses’ youngest children attend. CSNS funds the Kindergarten’s food program.
Kai and Kiyoshi enjoyed their visit to the Kindergarten classroom.
A friendly “hello” from some Kindergarten students.
A picture of one of the two classes in Sanveld Kindergarten.
Recess time at the playground.
A wave of “good-bye” from Zuma and the three Kindergarten children who reside at the Mother House. Zuma is the Gardener/Handyman for CSN who lives with his family in the Sanctuary. For safety reasons, either he or his assistant, Johannes, transported the children to and from Kindergarten. These three children have now graduated and will attend school this year.