Our children enjoyed successful school experiences this year, socially and academically. The Sanctuary’s staff encourages daily studies, and time is set aside for completing homework, with the older children often supporting the younger ones with their work. The youngest children attend the Sanveld Kindergarten from 9 to one daily; the children aged 6 to 13 participate in primary school, while the older children attend the local high school.
School Certificates
Three of our primary students received certificates in different subjects. C (Grade 3) received certificates in Afrikaans and English, A (center) in Mathematics and Environmental Studies, and J received a certificate in Environmental Studies. Congratulations!
All Smiles
S (age 14) is enjoying success on all levels this year. Here she is with her English teacher, Theresa Matengu, who is also the founding board member of CSN and “Auntie” to all the children.
S in one of her high school classes.
Zuma (CSN’s Handyman/Gardener) enjoys taking the youngest children to Sanveld Kindergarten. Having recently graduated from Kindergarten, these children will move up to Primary School in the following school term.
CSNS sponsors a daily food program at the Sanveld Kindergarten.